Control Electronics Pty Ltd
Refurbished test equipment, what does it mean?
How we refurbish our test equipment.
There is considerable difference between the various suppliers of used or
refurbished test equipment. So that buyers can be certain what they are
getting when we say refurbished, we explain the process below.
is first disassembled, (all circuit boards or modules are removed).
The entire chassis and case is then washed. PCB's will also be washed
unless they are already very clean or the manufacturer recommends against it. PC
boards then spend an hour in a hot air oven to thoroughly dry them out.
labels and markings not applied by the manufacturer (asset numbers and labels, permanent marker names etc,
expired calibration stickers) are removed. This is an issue that
requires care and experience to remove everything without damaging
the case.

Here a Tektronix 7603 is laid out ready to be re-assembled.
Then damaged, missing or broken mechanical parts will
be replaced or repaired if a replacement is not available. If a lasting
repair is not possible the part will be manufactured. Difficult to
replace mechanical items will be made in our machine shop. Unobtainable
IC's and electronic modules will be re manufactured using modern
components. Painted cases will be resprayed where necessary.
board assemblies will then be repaired as necessary. Switch mode power
supplies will almost always have their electrolytic capacitors
replaced. Memory backup batteries or capacitors will be checked and
replaced where necessary. Switches and pots will be cleaned and
lubricated. Program EPROMS will be re-burned where we have a later
version available.
The equipment is then assembled and a
full manufacturers calibration is performed. This confirms that
everything works and the equipment meets it's original
specifications. The item is then left running for at least 20 hours as
a final check.
A Tektronix 465M refurbished and calibrated.
All text and images copyright Control Electronics Pty Ltd.