MODEL 1303/1304

Microstepping Motor Driver

image of 1302 driver board

Features: Description
The 1303 is a universal user programmable microstepping driver for driving size 17 to 42 stepper motors. The motor current is programmable from 1A to 3A in 0.25A increments for the model 1303, and 2A to 6A in 0.5A increments for the 1304. Both models are powered by a single unregulated supply from +15 to 50VDC. Input control is via step and direction inputs.

Regulation is provided by a PWM controller which results in low power loss and no additional heatsinking requirements. Auto power reduction when stationary can also be used to further reduces heat buildup.

DIP Switch Functions
5 Set Step Mode Set Motor Current
6 Run Program

Microstep Resolution Table
DIP Switches 4 .. 1 Microsteps (1.8Deg Motor) Steps per Revolution
0001 1 200
0010 2 400
0011 4 800
0100 8 1600
0101 16 3200
0110 10 2000
0111 18 3600

Peak Motor Current Table
DIP Switch 1-3Amp 1303 2-6Amp 1304
0100 1 2
0101 1.25 2.5
0110 1.5 3
0111 1.75 3.5
1000 2 4
1001 2.25 4.5
1010 2.5 5
1011 2.75 5.5
1100 3 6

Rear Screw Terminals
A+ Motor Phase A+
A- Motot Phase A-
B+ Motor Phase B+
B- Motor Phase B-
V+ Power Supply Positive 15 - 50VDC
Gnd Power Supply Ground
The power supply must be smoothed but need not be regulated. The maximum voltage includes power supply ripple amd noise spikes.

Input Connector
Step Step Input Signal
Dir Step Direction Input
Enable Enable Input
Gnd Signal Ground

$149 each
$139 each for 3 or more
All pricing includes GST.